If You Can’t Sit, then Sow

Grace and Peace beloved! During this season of our lives, God is sending us someone to help us straighten out our life. It’s so easy to become stuck in the same old patterns, whether it be with our relationships, career, or mindset.

We may be feeling stuck and unsure about how to begin changing the trajectory of our life for the better. But fortunately, there is a way forward—God has sent us someone to help us take the first steps toward creating beneficial change in our lives.

It’s important to take the time to find the person that God has sent—someone who can offer us the support and guidance we need. And this person may be someone we’re already acquainted with or someone we’ve yet to meet.

Once we’ve found this special person, it’s important to sit under them—to invest our energy in soaking up the wisdom they can offer. But if we can’t sit under them, then the next best thing is to sow into them.

When we sow into another, we’re putting our energy and resources into strengthening the relationship we have with them. It could look like offering words of affirmation, mentorship, help with a project, financial assistance, or something else that shows appreciation for the impact they’ve had on our lives.

Whatever form it takes, however, our sowing will eventually bear fruit. We’ll reap whatever we sow—whether it be strengthening friendships, improved professional relationships, or a shift in mindset.

So if you’re feeling stuck and you’re in need of a helping hand to get your life back on track, remember that God is sending someone into your life to help. And if you can’t sit under them, take the next best step and sow into them. This act of sowing will bring its own rewards in due season—just as sure as day follows night.

Bishop Rasby G. Mason, II

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