Practicing Self-Care

BREATHE MINISTRY - March Awareness

“Practicing Self-Care”

By Katrenia White

Many times we become off kilter simply because we lack the balance in our everyday lives which creates feelings of stress, anxiety, frustration and irritability, depression and burnout. All of these things greatly impact our mental and emotional health and can lead to unhealthy coping mechanisms such as drugs, alcohol, overeating and isolation.

We have to slow down enough to become self-aware to identify our triggers and implement healthy ways of living.  This is where practicing self-care comes into play. Self-care is doing things that you enjoy that help you to relax, slowdown, laugh and take care of yourself physically, mentally, emotionally and financially. It is okay to say no, it is recommended to set boundaries and communicate effectively.

- [ ] Eating healthy
- [ ] Exercising
- [ ] Proper sleep
- [ ] Taking shower/soaking in tube
- [ ] Watching movies
- [ ] Grooming
- [ ] Praying/meditation
- [ ] Spending time with family and friends
- [ ] Drawing
- [ ] Listening to music

Learn how to simply unplug and reboot in order to serve long, and build greater rapport with others around us.

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